Bengaluru, famously known as the Silicon Valley of India, is about to witness another milestone in its remarkable growth story. Bengaluru Airport City Limited (BACL), a subsidiary of Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL), has embarked on the ambitious development of a 2 million sq. ft. Business Park at Kempegowda International Airport. This transformative project is not just an architectural endeavor but a strategic initiative to position Bengaluru as a global hub for Global Capability Centres (GCCs).
As, we are excited to explore how this initiative will redefine Bengaluru’s commercial real estate landscape and offer unparalleled investment opportunities.
The foundation of this Business Park aligns seamlessly with Karnataka’s Global Capability Centres (GCC) policy for 2024-2029. With a mission to attract global investments, this policy aims to:
The project is a testament to Bengaluru’s prominence in the GCC sector, housing 36% of India’s GCC workforce across industries.
Situated on 17.7 acres within the expansive Kempegowda International Airport (BLR Airport) campus, this Business Park will become a focal point for global and domestic businesses.
Rao Munukutla, Executive Director & CEO of BACL, aptly described Bengaluru as a GCC powerhouse. This Business Park further cements the city’s leadership in the sector, setting new benchmarks for infrastructure and innovation.
At, we recognize the immense potential this project holds for property investors. Here’s why this development stands out:
The 2 million sq. ft. Business Park is more than just a commercial space—it’s a vision for Bengaluru’s future. It reflects the city’s resilience and adaptability, aligning with global standards and emerging as a preferred destination for global talent and investments.
At, we empower property investors with data-driven insights into Bangalore’s dynamic real estate market. Whether you're exploring opportunities in North Bengaluru or seeking to invest in areas surrounding the Kempegowda International Airport, we provide tailored recommendations to help you make informed decisions.
Bengaluru’s rise as a global hub for GCCs, fueled by transformative projects like the Bengaluru Airport City Business Park, highlights its potential as an investment hotspot. With its strategic location, world-class infrastructure, and alignment with the state’s economic goals, this development promises to redefine the city’s commercial real estate landscape.
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